Our service items

Our certified industries

Our advantage

  • A price system that satisfies customers
    Huaao Testing directly contacts with foreign certification agencies, which saves many intermediate links, and our effective cost control greatly reduces operating costs. As far as possible in the laboratory near the factory, so that the test time is shorter and the cost is lower.
  • Rich information resources
    Huaao Testing has extensive contacts with authoritative testing agencies at home and abroad, related industries, and quality and environmental research institutions, with smooth information channels and a pass to the global market.
  • Perfect internal quality management system
    Since its establishment, Huaao Testing has been working in strict accordance with the ISO17025 management system, and provides accurate test data independently and fairly with a scientific and rigorous attitude.
  • Advanced service concept
    Years of working experience in the industry, rich experience in product testing and rectification, in addition to providing testing services for customers, Huaao Inspection can also provide professional training services, such as: safety design, certification introduction, ISO system training, factory inspection training , Employee management incentive training and other integrated services.
  • Integrity and cooperation principle
    Strict internal management mechanism, keep business secrets of the enterprise

EU directly authorized laboratory


Contact us

Shenzhen HUAAO Testing Co., Ltd.
Consulting hotline: 400-9987805
E-mail: info@huaao-lab.com
Address: Wencheng Building, Haochuang Longhua Industrial Park, No. 95 Yousong Road, Longhua Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen

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